Level: Late Intermediate / Early Advanced
Pages: 50
Delivery: Digital Download (PDF) delivered via email immediately after purchase
There is an ever increasing demand for short piano moments in worship. I get it. It’s understandable that pianists would prefer ample time for a well developed arrangement that progresses and flourishes. But that just isn’t always an option. These piano arrangements have been created for when the need arises for a short offertory or musical segue. Each arrangement is between one and two minutes in length, but is still substantial on its own. I hope you will enjoy incorporating these piano arrangements into your worship services.
Titles: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name * All the Way My Savior Leads Me * At Calvary * Be Still, My Soul * The Church’s One Foundation * Come, Thou Almighty King * Crown Him with Many Crowns * Day by Day * Grace Greater than Our Sin * Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah * He Leadeth Me * I Sing the Mighty Power of God * It Is Well with My Soul * Jesus Loves Me * Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee * The Love of God * My Jesus, I Love Thee * Nearer My God to Thee * O Worship the King * Our Great Savior * Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It * ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus * To God Be the Glory * Wonderful Peace * Wonderful Words of Life
Related products:
- Sacred Snap Shots, Vol. 2
- Sacred Snap Shots, Vol. 3
- Sacred Snap Shots, Vol. 4 (Christmas)
- Sacred Snap Shots, Vol. 5 (Communion)
- Sacred Snap Shots, Vol.’s 1-5 (Bundle)
- Listing of all 125 Sacred Snap Shots hymns
I am pianist and organist for my church and have used SO many of Koert’s arrangements for preludes and offertories. Most are very playable and can be learned quickly. The Sacred Snapshots are perfect for preservice music. Thanks Koert’s Music!
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