Level: Late Intermediate / Early Advanced
Pages: 50
Delivery: Digital Download (PDF) delivered via email immediately after purchase
There is an ever increasing demand for short piano moments in worship. I get it. It’s understandable that pianists would prefer ample time for a well developed arrangement that progresses and flourishes. But that just isn’t always an option. These piano arrangements have been created for when the need arises for a short offertory or musical segue. Each arrangement is between one and two minutes in length, but is still substantial on its own. I hope you will enjoy incorporating these piano arrangements into your worship services.
Titles: A Child of the King * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * All Creatures of Our God and King * And Can It Be * Be Thou My Vision * Blessed Assurance * Blessed Be the Name * Come, Christians, Join to Sing * Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing * Fairest Lord Jesus * Holy, Holy, Holy * How Great Thou Art * I Know Whom I Have Believed * I Love to Tell the Story * Like a River Glorious * My Faith Has Found a Resting Place * O How I Love Jesus * Only Trust Him * Praise Him! Praise Him! * Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us * Since I Have Been Redeemed * Trust and Obey * We’re Marching to Zion * When We All Get to Heaven * Wonderful Grace of Jesus
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